This page is shared by Muxton and Lilleshall, so if you have arrived here from the St Michael’s site, you are in the right place!
These groups are for teenagers aged 10-18 at St John’s and St Michael’s Churches. Anyone is welcome to join or just come along to see what we do.
(For details of groups for Children 10 and under, click here)
Age: 10-18
When & Where: St John’s: Every Sunday, except the 2nd of the month, during morning services at 11am.
Why: To disciple and encourage young people and to enable them to come to know Jesus in a meaningful way.
Leaders: Kathy Tagg and Andrew Hambler
School Years: 7-9
When: 1st & 3rd Friday 4-6pm
Where: St John’s Church
Why: To provide a place where young people can come to relax and socialise with their friends.
Leaders: James & Kathy Tagg, Janet Marshall, Lesley Trotman, Matthew Lefroy, Geoff Lott, Sue Whitelaw!, Simon Hartridge, Sue Richards and Sue Lott
School Years: 9-13
When: 1st & 3rd Friday 6-8pm
Where: St John’s Church
Why: To provide a place to relax with friends.
Leaders: James & Kathy Tagg, Simon & Julie Hartridge, Matthew & Jo Lefroy
* Fusion, Spark, Blaze, Sub:Zero and Sub:Extra me
Everyday Faith